- Our Companies
- Metal Proving Services
Established in 2013, Metal Proving Services is a comprehensive mechanical testing and metallurgical inspection facility employing advanced sectioning and machining facilities.
Metal Proving Services’ laboratory has industry leading equipment and processes to liberate mechanical test coupons from samples, as is required for metallographic testing. From large scale, precision CNC sawing capabilities, enabling testing from the largest of samples that our customers require, to fully automated 5-axis CNC metal sample preparation from test bars.
The laboratory handles all testing from Goodwin Steel Castings, in addition to taking on 3rd party work for other companies.
Our metallurgical testing capabilities include tensile, impact, hardness and dynamic tear testing, alongside metallographic examination, corrosion testing and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDX functionality.
Metal Proving Services deliver a robust technical service, as is necessary for proper metallurgical testing, in a timely and punctual fashion. It is possible to go from a test block to having it machined and certified with results in under an hour.